The Time Sheriff


Hey again web surfer Pal,

During my free time, for the last 3 months, I’ve been making something epic (by my standard). It’s intended for the Ezine nº2 – Science Fiction arranged by the Desenhos, inks e rabiscos community, that will be released sometime soon.

So, I’ve tried to make an illustration of a time/space Sheriff, the person responsible to maintain the law and order in the continuum universal… humm… thing. Maximo is just one of those persons, he’s the man that prevents life from collapsing by jumping through space and time to capture bad guys. Using his special chronometer he can breach space and time and use that to his advantage to place himself in the hot spots.

I received heavy critics on the readability of my previous Illustrations, mainly on the lack of depth and exaggerated overhaul saturation and detail. On this one I’ve tried to address those issues… but in doing it so I just seem to have created new ones 🙂

Time and patience are the most efficient brush to paint something like this. Is no longer about if you can do it, it’s more about how much time you can take until you quit doing it.

Button line I liked the end result, indeed has a margin for improving, but I guess that is a good thing. I would like to thank my wife (Rute Perdiz) for all the critics, ideas, and support and which without I probably wouldn’t have done it.

Until next time my friends!

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Ezine – Fantasia

I’ve made two illustrations for an Online magazine titled “Ezine Fantasia (fantasy)”.

This was painted using just open source software such as Mypaint, Kryta, Gimp and Blender.

I’m always open to critics so if you feel a need to highlight the mistakes, please let it flow 🙂
